Santos and I posing mad following finding out about his disappearance (Santos looks more upset in this picture then I do.)

Warm up - 15 dislocates, 15 o-head squats, 15 glut-ham situps, 15 dips
Warm up - 15 dislocates, 15 o-head squats, 15 glut-ham situps, 15 dips
4 rounds for time
500M row
7 cleans (65 lb)
15 Wall Ball (12 lb)
Time 16:14 (my mistake)
This workout SUCKED!!! But that is ok. I totally thought that I was going to throw up but luckly I kept everything down!
On another note, Santos and I went to San Diego this weekend for a wedding and had a great time until we got a phone call from our dog sitter saying that our puppy had gotten out and was lost. We raced home early from our trip, freaked out all weekend and got a phone call on Monday from the postman saying that he had seen him. Santos quickly raced to the neighborhood and found our puppy. Needless to say he is getting microchipped this week to prevent any further mishaps!!
Great work but I can not seem to come across what 'dislocates' are. What exercise is that?
Dislocates are when you have a PVC pipe hold it in front of you with your arms out pretty far, rotate the bar from in front of you to the back (over your head)and slowly begin moving your arms in as you continue with the reps. Until you have to bend your arms to continue with the movement. If you have to bend your arms, move your hands back out.
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