3 min kb swings
3 min rest
1 min burpees
1 min rest
3 min row
3 min rest
1 min burpees
1 min rest 3 min wall ball
total reps: 209
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday - Christmas Eve
15 pull ups
3 db snatchs (22.5 lb)
12 pull ups
6 snatchs
9 pull ups
9 snatchs
6 pull ups
12 snatchs
3 pull ups
15 snatchs
Time: 11:06
15 pull ups
3 db snatchs (22.5 lb)
12 pull ups
6 snatchs
9 pull ups
9 snatchs
6 pull ups
12 snatchs
3 pull ups
15 snatchs
Time: 11:06
Monday, December 21, 2009
20 minutes
1 min d-ball slams
1 min push ups
1 min pull ups
1 min rest
5 rounds
total reps: 301
My arms were KILLING me.
We finished the evening with push jerks.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
400m run
10 hang power cleans (65lbs)
7 broad jumps
200m run
10 hpc
7 jumps
200m run
10 HPC
7 jumps
400m run
Time: 8:23
400m run
4 bear crawl
15 push press (20)
12 Renegade rows (20)
3 rounds
Time: 12:01
10 wallball
5 burpees
200m run
rds in 15 minutes
7 rds + wb+ 2 burpees
Just a little annoyed as I normally get at least 8 rounds on this workout. But oh well
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday Sunday
So it is Sunday evening and I am a little bored so I thought that I would do some blogging. It was wonderful to go on a much needed vacation but I am never skipping a workout 10 days in a row. This was the first week back and I only went 3 days because of how sore I am. I do have to say that I LOVE being sore from a good workout. It means that I worked hard and that I have a body that will allow me to give it a good beating and it can repair itself no matter what I do it. As I type I am thinking about everything that is sore at the moment...my hammies are killing me from the goblet squats and probably pushing the sled around, my biceps and triceps are killing from kb swings and pull ups and last but not least my traps are killing me from the pull ups. However, I am still very thankful for the muscles that make up my body and that fact that being sore today means that I will be stronger tomorrow. Looking forward to hang power cleans! One of my favorite movements! Have a great night sleep and a fabulous workout tomorrow! Blessings!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
amrap in 5 min
5 burpees
10 db push press (20 lb db)
15 goblet squats (20 lb db)
2 min rest
3 times
total rounds 12 rounds + 7 burpees + 10 push press
5 burpees
10 db push press (20 lb db)
15 goblet squats (20 lb db)
2 min rest
3 times
total rounds 12 rounds + 7 burpees + 10 push press
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So it has been a really long time since I have posted and I do have a fabulous excuse. We went on vacation to Maui followed by 3 days in Napa. It was wonderful and much needed as it has been 2 years since we went on a big vacation and I think that next time we are NOT going to wait that long! I did not realize how stressed out I was. It was nice to not have to think about work and just spend quality time with my hubby!
Below are some pictures from our trip.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Just a little bit of a slacker!!!
So I know that it has been a VERY long time since I have posted anything. I have been working out just not focused on posting. I am LONG overdue for a vacation and this has been the last thing on my mind. But tonight we did Nicole and I blew my last number out of the water by 23 pull ups for a grand total of 111 pull ups! YEAH BUDDY! I feel like my grip is getting a lot better that is very exciting for me.
This video is from one of my last rounds of pull ups just for fun I thought that I would post it.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Code Brown
400m run
25 swings
25 slams
400m run
20 swings
20 slams
400m run
15 swings
15 slams
400m run
10 swings
10 slams
400m run
5 swings
5 slams
time: 14:46
PR!! Last time was 15:19! Ya buddy!!
Push Press
25 swings
25 slams
400m run
20 swings
20 slams
400m run
15 swings
15 slams
400m run
10 swings
10 slams
400m run
5 swings
5 slams
time: 14:46
PR!! Last time was 15:19! Ya buddy!!
Push Press
Saturday Cleans, wall ball and P-hill
21 wallball
21 cleans (65)
15 wallball
15 cleans
9 wallball
9 cleans
time: 8 or 9
21 wallball
21 cleans (65)
15 wallball
15 cleans
9 wallball
9 cleans
time: 8 or 9
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wednesday - Jackie
1000m row
50 thrusters (45 lb)
30 pull ups
time: 9:04
My goal was sub 9 minutes. Just missed it. But I do have lots of areas where I can make that up. So hopefully next time I will go sub 9 minutes.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Boo to Bear Crawls
400 m run
5 bear crawls
5 bear crawls
10 dips (micro mini band)
15 wall ball (14 lb)
3 rounds
14 something was my time
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Horrible workout Saturday
21 kb swings (35)
3 broad jumps (6 ft)
p-hill run
18 kb
6 broad jump
15 kb
9 broad
12 kb
12 broad
9 kb
15 broad
6 kb
18 broad
3 kb
21 broad jumps
time: 18 something
This was painful and my body is still feeling the pain! Santos said that I had the best broad jumps and that made me very happy because I was the last person in!
Friday, October 30, 2009
What is your Fran time?
21 thrusters
21 pull ups
15 thrusters
15 pull ups
9 thrusters
9 pull ups
time: 4:43!!!
Last Fran time was 6:24!!!
Totally excited to have cut 1 min and 41 seconds off of my last Fran time!!! This workout was hard as always! I took more rest then I should have but it just means that I have more time that I can cut off of this workout and I am looking forward to working toward that goal! I was pretty excited when I asked my husband what his best Fran time was and he said 4:45. I beat him by 2 seconds but as they say in Crossfit... Every seconds counts!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday & Wednesday
Tuesday was another O-lifting day. I am not sure if I am getting any better but I do enjoying working on the snatch and clean & jerk.
50 double unders
25 burpees
40 double unders
20 burpees
30 double unders
15 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
5 burpees
time: 8:31
Last time I did this workout I got 8:59. Nice to see some movement in my times.
I do need to do better on my eating habits which seem to be in the toilet right now.
We are leaving for Maui in 28 days I would like to be about 5 lbs lighter so I am going to put a better effort into how I eat starting tomorrow with the exception of a drink at Tainted Love tomorrow night.
Anyways...looking forward to Fran tomorrow if I am able to get done with work soon enough to be there for the 6 pm class!
Monday-15 min Cindy
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes
5 pullups
10 push ups
15 bw squats
I got 11 rounds +5 pull ups +5 push ups
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Had a great morning training Lowell and then had a great group class at 9 doing R&R
a 500m row followed by a 400m run 5 rounds!
Jay set a personal and new gym pr by finishing in under 20 min.
Brett decided to wear a 40lb vest (yes he is a little crazy sometimes)
Emily set a gym PR and did great for her fist R&R.
Allan did 4 rounds and finished a second after Emily. It was a great dash to the finish!
Later I got to spend some time with my dad and we laid tile in the entry way. Looking forward to grouting it today!
Had a great time with at a girls night where I made flank steak pesto rolls that were great!
Ended the evening with some of Donald Miller's new book that I want to share with you. He is talking about story and how our lives are stories.
"I've wondered, though, if one of the reasons we fail to acknowledge the brilliance of life is because we don't want the responsibility inherent in the acknowledgement. We don't want to be characters in a story because characters have to move and breathe and face conflict with courage. And if life isn't remarkable, then we don't have to do any of that; we can be unwilling victims rather then grateful participants."
I am hoping that today I will live my life as a participant and not as a victim.
Friday Helen
I am beyond excited about my Helen workout on Friday!
My last Helen time was 10:04 and when I did that I thought that I had worked really hard to get that time. So my only goal for today was to be done with Helen in under 10 minutes.
3 rounds
400m run
21 kb swings
12 pull ups
time: 9:16!!!
What a great day to not only beat my old time but to cut 47 seconds off of it!!
Needless to say it made my evening!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Really bummed that I missed out on working out Wednesday night, but that is what happens.
Yesterday we worked on hang snatches, snatch pulls and clean & jerks
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday Monday
High Bar Back Squat
High Bar Back Squat
200m run
7 pull ups
11 wallball (14)
Rds in 15 min
8 rounds
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Schmoke you
15 kb swings (35 lbs)
15 push press (65 lbs)
15 d-ball slams (12 lbs)
15 box jumps
5 rounds for time
Time: 13:25
My last time was 15:55 BOO YA!!
15 push press (65 lbs)
15 d-ball slams (12 lbs)
15 box jumps
5 rounds for time
Time: 13:25
My last time was 15:55 BOO YA!!
400m run
20 dips (with a band)
20 Wall ball
400m run
20 Dips
20 Wall ball
400m run
time: 13:06
20 dips (with a band)
20 Wall ball
400m run
20 Dips
20 Wall ball
400m run
time: 13:06
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Brought 2 kids to the gym from school and I worked out with them
10 weighted lunges (22.5 lbs)
5 box jumps
1 medball fence sprint (20 lbs)
5 rounds
New max dead lift...241!!!
200m run
4 bearcrawl
15 push press (25 lb)
3 rds
5x5 back squat last round 136 i think
1000m row for time beat my last time and beat my goal of under 4:00 min
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
400 m run
30 mt climbers
20 o-head lunges
10 broad jumps
4 rounds for time
bad bad bad
11 something
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday Jackie
So I did not beat my last Jackie time of 9:29 and I got 9:55 today. It was a good workout and i had a great time coaching the evening classes!
1000m row
50 thrusters (45 lb bar)
30 pull ups
time: 9:55
Thursday, September 17, 2009
15 rack position lunges (55 lbs)
15 SDHP same weight
15 push ups
400 m run
4 rounds
time: 17:51
45 degrees of suck Monday
45 kb swings (35 lbs)
45 burpees
45 med ball cleans (15 lb)
45 dips (micro mini assist)
45 kb swings
time: 14:51
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Long time no post
200m run
5 1 arm snatches each arm (25 lb db)
10 pull ups
5 high box jumps
5 rds
time: 12:12
3 deadlifts -135 lb
5 db thrusters - 20 lb
7 d-ball slams
fence sprint
Rds in 12 minutes
10 rds +thrusters and slams
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Doubleunders and burpees
50 double unders
25 burpees
40 double unders
20 burpees
30 double unders
15 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
5 burpees
Time 8:59
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hello WOD it has been to long!
Today was my first day back after I stressed my back last Tuesday so I went light on my dumbbells as I did not want to re-stress it. While I did not officially work out until today I did get a good workout over the weekend as my hubby and I are in the process of tiling our kitchen floor. I say process because apparently this is not a project that you get done in a day if you are doing it yourself. All of Saturday was spent laying backer board. We did not start actually laying tile until Sunday after church. At this point we have all but 4 full pieces of tile laid. Santos is going to finish those and then start doing the massive amount of cuts that will be needed tomorrow. Hopefully by Wednesday my kitchen will be put back together!
Today's workout
P-hill run (this is a run on the side of the building that is pretty steep and about 150m)
10 db thrusters (I only used 15 lb dbs again because of nursing my back)
5 pull ups
7 rounds
time: 13:03
Looking forward to Olympic lifting tomorrow, but again going to be taking it easy until I am sure that my back is fully back to normal...whatever that is!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
No work out for me today
I did something to my back yesterday and after spending the day at home with meds and ice I am hoping that it will feel better for work tomorrow. Fingers are crossed!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Yeah Burpees
Friday, August 21, 2009
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds of
1 min wall ball (14 lb) previously only did 12 lb wall balls
1 min sumo dead lift high pulls (55 lbs)
1 min box jumps
1 min push press (55 lbs)
1 min rowing for K
1 min rest
Total Reps: 286
Last time I did FGB I did it with a 12 lb ball and my total reps were 263. So excited about my new PR!!
Pics are from Fight Gone Bad and our 6 pm class.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Front Squats
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New favorite Snack
So this has very quickly become a favorite in the Reyes' house. We call them BLT boats. All you do is get hearts of romaine lettuce, a couple slices of bacon, some tomato, avocado and if you want a little bit of mayo. You can also apply the same concept to tacos by replacing the tortilla with harts of romaine lettuce. This is also another favorite in our house.
Another 400
400m run
5 bear crawls
20 renegade rows (20lbs)
4 rounds for time
time: 18:43
Followed by double unders
Monday, August 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Brett
270m run (give or take a few meters)
27 db snatches (20 lbs)
27 d-ball slams (12 lbs)
3 rounds for time
time: 8:46
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday Cleans and Snatch
clean pulls
Snatch balance
7 push press (20 lb db)
7 long jumps
fence sprint
5 rds
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Run, lunge, pull up, swing, clean
200m run
30 walking plate lunges (25lbs)
20 pull ups
30 kb swings (35lbs)
20 cleans
400m run
30 walking plate lunges
20 pull ups
30 kb swings
20 cleans
200m run
Time: 14:47
This workout was brutal but I LOVED it!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
My body was dead after a great weekend of Olympic Lifting. I got to go to Bend, OR to get certified in teaching the Oly-lifts by Coach Mike Burgener. Great man and a great coach!
Practiced Snatching before the workout
6 rds of 10 box jumps & 10 push ups plus a fence sprint
plus 10 box jumps & 10 push ups
200m run
time: 13:05
I am very weak in the push up department. They look good but I am very slow!
Push Press
Just to tired to keep going.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Max effort Deadlift
I was a little disappointed as the last time I did this I did 225 and I only went up 4lbs this week to 229. Hopefully next time I will be able to do much more then this.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Filthy Fifty
30:51, which totally sucks because I added like to minutes to my time. Boo to that business!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I love to row...sometimes

When it is 90 to 100 degrees outside I would much rather row then run.
Today's workout was as follows
500m row
50 db deadlifts (25lbs)
50 situps
500m row
35 db deadlifts (25lbs)
35 situps
500m row
20 db deadlifts (25lbs)
20 situps
Time: 14:19
Following the workout we worked on split jerks. I need to be more solid in my land but hopefully the more I work on it the better I will get. We shall see.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I was going to do 100 cleans with 10 burpees every time I put the bar down. Well...that is not what ended up happening...
10 cleans (95 lbs) 10 burpees
10 cleans (95 lbs) 10 burpees
10 cleans (95 lbs) 10 burpees
15 cleans (85 lbs) 10 burpees
10 cleans (85 lbs) 10 burpees
Then I was done. I got a gnarly bruise on my leg that is all sorts of pretty colors.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Schmoke You
15 kb swings (35 lbs)
15 push press (65 lbs)
15 d-ball slams (12 lbs)
15 box jumps
5 rounds for time
Followed by 25 strict pull ups
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Crossfit Games workout
30 Wall ball (12lb wall ball and went above the line)
30 snatches (40 lbs)
3 rounds for time
30 snatches (40 lbs)
3 rounds for time
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Workout 2 on Thursday
5 deadlifts
10 med ball cleans
15 push press
20 mt. climbers
5 rds for time
I don't remember my time.
10 med ball cleans
15 push press
20 mt. climbers
5 rds for time
I don't remember my time.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fight Gone Bad
Did fight gone bad today but instead of one minute at each station it is was 20 reps at each station.
20 wall ball (12lb)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (55lb)
20 box jumps
20 push press (55lb)
20 cal row
1 min rest
3 rounds for time
time: 19:12
It has been a while since I have had the opportunity to workout with my husband and it was great to be able to have the time to do it today. And by the way I beat him:)
20 wall ball (12lb)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (55lb)
20 box jumps
20 push press (55lb)
20 cal row
1 min rest
3 rounds for time
time: 19:12
It has been a while since I have had the opportunity to workout with my husband and it was great to be able to have the time to do it today. And by the way I beat him:)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday - Happy Birthday Em!
270m row
27 box jumps
27 o-head lunges (25lb plate)
27 double unders
270m row
27 box jumps
27 o-head lunges
27 double unders
270m row
time: 10:57
push jerk
27 box jumps
27 o-head lunges (25lb plate)
27 double unders
270m row
27 box jumps
27 o-head lunges
27 double unders
270m row
time: 10:57
push jerk
This workout was hard but I was surprised by my time only because I have not worked out since Thursday. And it was REALLY REALLY HOT!!
Tuesday - Hike Mt. Lassen
Friday - Sunday Crossfit Games
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday 7/9
Rounds in 15 min
10 1 arm snatches each arm
20 o-head lunges
10 1 arm push press each arm
1 gasser
5 rounds plus all the way up to 1/2 gasser
Used 20lb db for the whole workout and this workout SUCKED! It was supposed to be 20 minutes but it was gassing people so Santos cut it down but man was it hard!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Sweet 16 Skylar
16 burpees
16 double unders
16 box jumps
16 double unders
16 cleans (65 lbs)
16 double unders
3 rounds for time
11:35This was a really fun workout that I can not wait to repeat in the future. Happy Birthday Skylar!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Did Jackie today with 45lbs instead of 33lb
50 Thrusters at 45lb
30 pull ups
time: 9:29
I added 4 seconds to my time but I also added 12lb to my thrusters so I guess that I can not complain!!
Front Squat
50 Thrusters at 45lb
30 pull ups
time: 9:29
I added 4 seconds to my time but I also added 12lb to my thrusters so I guess that I can not complain!!
Front Squat
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Code Brown
400m run
25 swings (35)
25 slams (12)
400m run
20 swings
20 slams
400m run
15 swings
15 slams
400m run
10 swings
10 slams
400m run
5 swings
5 slams
time: 15:45
25 swings (35)
25 slams (12)
400m run
20 swings
20 slams
400m run
15 swings
15 slams
400m run
10 swings
10 slams
400m run
5 swings
5 slams
time: 15:45
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
500m row
15 pull ups
25 push ups
800m run
25 push ups
15 pull ups
500m row
time:14:46The temperature combined with the competition, combined with my goat (push ups) made this one horrible work out for me. But I did it and it is done!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
150 wall ball for time (12 lbs)
time:5:23 not only did I bet my last time by a lot 6:51 I only used a 10 lb med ball last time. Ya BUDDY!!
time:5:23 not only did I bet my last time by a lot 6:51 I only used a 10 lb med ball last time. Ya BUDDY!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lots O Double Unders
30 weighted lunges
12 med ball cleans
12 dips (1 ban ast.)
80 double unders
3 rounds for time
Friday, June 26, 2009
Fran- Personal PR today!
Time: 6:24
Last time 6:54 cut off 30 seconds. Goal for next time I do Fran sub 6 minutes.
Time: 6:24
Last time 6:54 cut off 30 seconds. Goal for next time I do Fran sub 6 minutes.
Also, lost a piece of skin from the middle of my left hand, it literally flew off of the bar.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Games Burpee Deadlift
5 deadlifts (185lbs)
10 burpees
5 rounds
I lost my stomach big time after this workout and felt like a train ran me over.
Once I was feeling better I rowed 2000m.
Last but not least it is WAY to hot!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sit ups and Rows

Pictures of Santos and I Coaching and making sure that people's times got written down.
Had a great weekend hosting the Filthy Fifty Challenge and Level 10 Crossfit. Redding came down for the day and fun was had by all. Even Bentley.
50 situps
50 renegade rows
400m run
35 sit ups
35 renegade rows
400m run
20 situps
20 renegade rows
Totally threw up just about everything in my stomach after this workout but it was well worth it!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
20 o-head lunges (20lb db)
10 med ball cleans 15
24 mt. climbers
12 d ball slams
5 rds
10 med ball cleans 15
24 mt. climbers
12 d ball slams
5 rds
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
400m run
max pullups
# of pull ups in 20 minutes
76 total
max pullups
# of pull ups in 20 minutes
76 total
Worse then the last time I did this workout, oh well.
Food for the day
protein shake and pear breakfast
left over spaghetti squash with homemade spaghetti sauce for lunch
apple for snack
salad with fruit and chicken sausage for dinner
and let's not talk about dessert thanks to Dr. Nickel.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lost my breathe
400m run
21 thrusters (20 lb db)
15 box jumps (18in)
9 push ups
19:503 rounds
It was supposed to be 4 rounds but at the beginning of round 3 I lost my breathe and could not catch it at all. So I took forever completing the last round and did not even bother to complete a 4th.
Food for the day
Protein shake and nectarine for breakfast
ground beef, salsa, carrots and pear for lunch
spaghetti squash with a homemade tomato sauce with beef and a pear for dinner.
Food for the day
Protein shake and nectarine for breakfast
ground beef, salsa, carrots and pear for lunch
spaghetti squash with a homemade tomato sauce with beef and a pear for dinner.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Deadlift and Doubleunder
10 deadlifts (185 lbs)
50 doubleunders
3 rounds
This was a last chance games qualifier workout that sucked! I think that deadlifts are harder on my hands then pull ups, but I loved doing it!
Saturday team workout
200m run A B A B A
15 wallball (15 lbs) B A B A B
15 box jumps A B A B A
5 rds
Teammate A did movement 1, TB did movement 2 and keep going from there until the workout was over.
Time for Skylar and I 6:08
While teammate was doing the movement the other person did creative pushup ups
It was nice to be able to sprint today and then have a little rest before you had to run again!
50 doubleunders
3 rounds
This was a last chance games qualifier workout that sucked! I think that deadlifts are harder on my hands then pull ups, but I loved doing it!
Saturday team workout
200m run A B A B A
15 wallball (15 lbs) B A B A B
15 box jumps A B A B A
5 rds
Teammate A did movement 1, TB did movement 2 and keep going from there until the workout was over.
Time for Skylar and I 6:08
While teammate was doing the movement the other person did creative pushup ups
It was nice to be able to sprint today and then have a little rest before you had to run again!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thruster Hell
400m run
15 db thrusters
25 situps
4 rounds for time
Hot, sweaty, sucky!
I had DB thrusters!!!
I would much rather do 65lb barbell thrusters then do 50lb db thrusters!
15 db thrusters
25 situps
4 rounds for time
Hot, sweaty, sucky!
I had DB thrusters!!!
I would much rather do 65lb barbell thrusters then do 50lb db thrusters!
This has been a weird week. Mon-Wed I was feeling like crap every evening. I think that it has a lot to do with all the crap food that I have eaten this week. Since we got back from San Diego over Memorial Day weekend it has been very hard to get back into the groove of things when it comes to my diet.
Thursday was the first day that I worked out this week.
5 lateral burpees
10 pull ups
15 push press (20 lbs)
200m row
Time: 12:37
Thursday was the first day that I worked out this week.
5 lateral burpees
10 pull ups
15 push press (20 lbs)
200m row
Time: 12:37
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP) 65 lbs
5 push ups
200m run
10 push ups
200m run
15 push ups
200m run
20 push ups
200m run
25 push ups
Time: 10:34
O-head squats
These really suck as my wrists really start to hurt when I get higher weights on the bar.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
40 double unders
40 sit ups
40 o-head lunges (20 lbs)
40 double unders
40 o-head lunges
40 situps
40 double unders
time: 7:24
My hip was a little tight on the lunges and wasn't feeling go great but it is feeling a whole lot better then it did before. That is for sure!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hip Pain
SOOO, I have not worked out the past 2 days because I did something to my hip yesterday and it has been hurting to much to do much of anything. So I have had the pleasure of hanging around the gym and listening to comments from people. The best was today and listed as follows...
Client: 1 more round?
Santos: 1 more round? You are going until I say stop!
Client: 1 more round?
Santos: 1 more round? You are going until I say stop!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hang Hell
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hang Yourself
10 power cleans with a squat (97 lbs)
10 dips (1 blue band)
200m run
5 rounds
Was busting out 5 dips in a row which is great progress for me! I am looking forward to the day that I do ring dips without a band.
10 dips (1 blue band)
200m run
5 rounds
Was busting out 5 dips in a row which is great progress for me! I am looking forward to the day that I do ring dips without a band.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday Morning at Crossfit San Diego
Warmed up with body weight squats and different jumps
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 turkish get ups on each arm (15 lbs)
10 push ups
7 rounds plus get ups
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 turkish get ups on each arm (15 lbs)
10 push ups
7 rounds plus get ups
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Too much rowing
1000m row
50 situps
35 burpees
500m row
35 situps
20 burpees
Followed by 3 total minutes of planks
Later that evening I practiced muscle ups and taught Emily how to do pull ups. She did a great job and it was really fun to teach her. I think that I may just try to get that Crossfit Cert this year!
50 situps
35 burpees
500m row
35 situps
20 burpees
Followed by 3 total minutes of planks
Later that evening I practiced muscle ups and taught Emily how to do pull ups. She did a great job and it was really fun to teach her. I think that I may just try to get that Crossfit Cert this year!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
L10XF assessment workout
500m row
21 btw squats
21 push ups
21 situps
15 btw squats
15 push ups
15 situps
9 btw squats
9 push ups
9 situps
time: 5:44
back squat
21 btw squats
21 push ups
21 situps
15 btw squats
15 push ups
15 situps
9 btw squats
9 push ups
9 situps
time: 5:44
back squat
Taco Salad with grass fed beef, tomato, onion, avocado, a little bit of cilantro salad dressing and salsa. May have had another skinny cow for dessert HOWEVER they are now all gone!
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