Monday, March 1, 2010

Long time no workout

So I did a little deadlifting to quickly a couple of weeks ago and I am still paying for it. I haven't really done much working out in the past 2 weeks and that has been really stressful as it is my best coping skill. Add to that work has not been the happiest place on earth and you get a very pissy woman on your hands. Sorry babe.

Today I did a very small workout that was aimed at not pushing myself and just focused on moving.
500 m row
20 dips with a band
500m row
15 dips with a band
500m row
10 dips with a band
500m row
5 dips with a band

I did do some o-head squating. I felt my back in every move but it felt good to put some weight on the bar


Looking forward to my massage on Thursday:)