Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday the Broomstick Mile

Who would have thought that a PVC pipe could wreck so much damage on an individual!!!
400m run (with the broomstick mind you)
25 back squats
25 front squats
25 o-head squats
400m run
25 strict press
25 push press
25 spilt jerk
400m run
25 squat hang cleans
400m run
25 thrusters.
I don't remember my time but I was the first one done.
I woke up this morning and my shoulders are on fire! FROM A PVC PIPE!! ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME??!!!??

Christmas Tree Cutting

On Friday we went and explored the woods for the perfect Christmas Tree. My dad, mom, sister and her fiance along with a bunch of people from church joined us. 

Santos worked hard at staying warm to ensure that he would enjoy the day...

Bentley looked high and low...

Until we found the perfect Christmas Tree. Santos and I had a great time decorating it with the help of his brother, Derek.

Thanksgiving Fight Gone Bad

So a couple of months back we had a whole gym workout "FIGHT GONE BAD." Now my husband has really not had a day off since we started the gym excluding Sunday (which even then he has been helping out at the group homes that I work at) so we were trying to figure out how we were going to get everyone in the gym in one class in the morning and be done for the rest of the day...FIGHT GONE BAD provided us with the perfect opportunity. We had about 25 people working out and looking forward to using it as an excuse to eat whatever they wanted sometime that afternoon. 
Below are some pictures of the event... 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slammin' Sammy

1 min jump rope
1 min d-ball slams 
10 rounds
16lb. d-ball 
338 slams
When I have done this with a 12 lb d-ball and got 397 so I am a little disappointed in myself.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Filthy 50

The clock stopped so I don't know exactly what my time was but either way this workout sucked!!!
We had a ton of people here last night (YES!!) but that meant that we had to change the workout up and change one of the movements to accommodate everyone. But all in all it was a great workout!

50 reps of each
Knees to elbows
Walking lunges
Jumping pull ups
KB Swings
Box jumps
Push Press
Straight leg deadlift
Wall Ball

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toasted shoulders

Today we did strict press and push press, after doing ring dips yesterday my shoulders are FRIED!!

Strict Press

Push Press

Monday, November 17, 2008

boo to you

3 rounds for time
50 bw squats
15 ast. ring dips
500m row
time: 15:36

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Code Brown

400m run
25 swings (35lbs)
25 slams (12lb d-ball)
400m run
400m run
400m run
400m run
time: 15:19

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


5 min doubleunders (143)
5 min 1 arm kb snatches 26lb (108)
3 min doubleunders (70)
3 min dips (ast. 3 bands) (25)
1 min doubleunders (23)
1 min med ball cleans (16)
Total: 385
Last time 322


Jackie is a B*

1000m row
50 thrusters (33lbs)
30 pullups
time: 10:52

Thursday, November 6, 2008

3 rounds for time

21 front squats
15 push press
9 thrusters 
400m run
3 rounds for time

all weight = 55 lbs.

Time: 16:44

7 Layers of Hell

Just thought I would post some pictures from our wedding because they are fun and Santos and I are approaching our 1 year anniversary! It is crazy to think that it has almost already been a year! Time goes by really quickly!

7 burpees
7 db snatches each arm (20 lbs)
7 pullups
7 Rounds
Time: 13:something