Monday, April 25, 2011



400m run
15 o-head squats 55lbs
4 rounds

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rds in 15 minutes

5 cleans (77lbs)
10 toes to bar
15 wall ball
rounds in 15 minutes
4 rounds plus 5 wallball

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I finally worked out last night after what felt like forever due to being sick! This thing just seems to hang on forever!

Bench Press

5 dead lifts (99lbs)
7 box jumps (18 in)
9 plyo push ups
5 rds
time was in the 9 minute range. I felt like my lungs were bleeding but that is besides the point:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Everyday Paleo

I had the wonderful opportunity to read Sarah Fragoso's new book Everyday Paleo. She also has a website of the same name -
Below are my thoughts on her book.

Sarah gave practical advice about starting Paleo for the family. She provided sound parenting advice for switching to Paleo and managing children's behavior in general. Sarah also did a great job helping you feel like a cheat one meal did not mean that you had failed completely, it was one meal and you get up and work on making the next meal Paleo without beating yourself up over it. She also was honest about your body telling you that you have cheated when you have made a serious attempt at being Paleo and then had a set-back. Her recipes are easy to follow and easy to get motivated to make. The food taste great and Sarah shows you how spices can really change the flavor of the meals that are made. Sarah makes working out fun, by incorporating the kids and showing movements that are easy to try on your own and see progress in a very short period of time combined with the Paleo diet. Sarah gives a well rounded approach and covers all of the basics in transitioning ones family from the typical american family diet to a Paleo mindset and healthy lifestyle.

On a side note, I have been RIDICULOUSLY sick the past 3 weeks and as I am finally starting to feel better my allergies are kicking in full force. But I am hoping that after this week I will finally be able to get back to my regular workout routine! I will start posting again soon!