Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chop chop chop

Warm up

2 rounds

15 dislocates

15 o-head squats

15 glut-ham sit ups

15 ast. dips

1 round 15 kipping pull ups

Rounds in 20 minutes

250 Meter row

10 side chops each arm, 20lb dumbbell

10 single arm push press each arm, 20lb dumbbell

Last time I did this workout was March 13th and I got 5 rounds +250 Row+8 Side chops

This time I got 7 Rounds!!!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't tell anyone but I think you might be getting stronger! :) Great job on having such a huge jump! It's those little PR's that always keep me coming back for more! Yeah!