Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hand model

Well the career in hand modeling is officially not an option. 
Regular warm up, I was able to do push-ups today which was great because I haven't been able to do them without pain for awhile now. But it was not to bad today.

21 kb snatchs (each arm) 26lbs
21 pull-ups (3 kipping, rest were jumping)
15 kb snatchs 
15 pull-ups (2 kipping, rest were jumping)
9 kb snatchs
9 pull-ups (2 kipping, rest were jumping)
Time: 6:18
I tore my hands up on the pull-ups. So they are just a little on the nasty and painful side today. 

Tomorrow is my first day working part-time at the non-public school which I am looking forward to along with working at the group home so the next month should be a fun and interesting time for me. But I know that it will be my workouts that get me through it all!

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