Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fun with Boxes

Today's workout was a hob glob of different movements.

We started out with our warm up which usually includes the following:
2 rds
15 ab mat sit ups
15 elevated box pushups working on full ROM - see picture below.
15 back extensions
15 dislocates
Samson stretch

3 sets of 15 dip assist
3 sets of 20 kettlebell lung
Single leg kettlebell deadlifts single arm - 2 sets of 7
Single leg kettlebell deadlifts double arms - 2 sets of seven

In other thoughts, summer is coming and even at 8 in the morning our front room is starting to feel warm before we even get started working out. So in honor of summer I made a big thing of Iced tea which I am sure will only last through today and I will need to make more tonight, but it is on of my favorite things to enjoy on a hot summer day and it will be great after a long hard workout. Peace!

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