Thursday, January 6, 2011


4 perfectly paleo days!!! Tomorrow will be my first weigh in day. Today was really hard to stay paleo, I was craving a sweet or bread or something NOT good for me! But I held it together at a staff meeting that had really good looking scones and walking through the bakery at Raley's to get to the meat. Why do you have to walk through the bakery to get to flesh???? It is NOT helpful!!

Today I got to privilege of back squating with my husband on my lunch break.

I have never done sets of 10 but that is what he likes to do so that is what I did.


I felt pretty tired by the time I got through the first 5 on the 87 but otherwise I felt pretty good

8:00 2 eggs, 2 bacon
12:00 salami, ham, blackberries and raspberries
6:30 zucchini, pomegranate, pesto hamburgers

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